About Me

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hey whats up? i'm rachel. i'm a freshman and i love to go shopping, sing in our amazing youth band, and hang out with my friends

Saturday, August 23, 2008


campus kickoff was this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it was sooooooooooo much fun~

for those of you who don't know what that is...it was when a buncha different churches were invited to go to sunsplash and hang out there ALL NIGHT!!!! we had a blasty-blast! my favorite ride was probably the half pipe....and you can ask anyone who we were with....i was so scared to do it!
the half pipe is exactly what the name implies: you are in a tube and you go down this almost 90 degree angle slide and up the other end. its CRAZY! but i did it and it was a lotta fun.

***(i also discovered that the black tube closest to the steps is a multicolored slide)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

my bad

my bad...brooke has 6 pairs of "nick jonas" glasses :)

  • red
  • pink
  • yellow
  • checkered
  • white
  • and i forgot the black ones

Friday, August 15, 2008

cooler pic than on brooke's blog :)

ok well if you haven't read Brooke's blog yet than I'll recap...
first of all she's saying some girl came over to her house and they made up a dance and she calls this girl her bff....well i thought i was her bff.....and i went over to her house last Saturday...and we did make up a relaly goofy dance......
ok so it was me she was talking about...and i had a blasty-blast!
i spent the night at Brooke's house on last Saturday!
she has all these really cool "nick jonas" glasses (i'm not even kidding she has 5 pairs ) so i came up with the fabulous idea to take pics of us in them!
then we curled each other's hair for church the next morning and it looked really cute!
and we were listening to "leavin' " by Jesse McCartney and we must have been really tired because its really funny! hehe right brooke?
well check out Brooke's blog and tell me what u think of mine!

happy birthday joe!

HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(its joe jonas's birthday!)

and their new CD ("a little bit longer") (correct me if i'm wrong) is coming out soon!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

hey everyone!

this week seems like one of those weeks that isn't necessarily bad because it hasn't been...its just really long. you know what i'm talking about?

i thinks its just because we are getting into the swing of things with school starting an all...and homework.....and the scedule of getting up at 7 and to bed at like 10 or 11 (when in summer it was more like: wake up at 11 and go to bed at like 2..hehe...)

so i'm jsut saying hi! hang in there! the week only has one more day! and for all yall who haven't started school....have fun on monday! :)

your sis in christ,


and if u need any prayer from me, tell me and i promise i will pray!

Monday, August 11, 2008

first day

it happened...
it finally happened...
first day of school!!!!!!!!!

it wasn't that bad....it wasn't really exciting...but it is school! and my teachers are nice
we have to take latin and i like that class and i like humane letters...

how was ur first day?

Friday, August 8, 2008


hehe i know its not that exciting but i wanted to say that they start 8.8.08@8 :)

ok the reason I'm writing is because i wanted this pic on my blog because i think the little guys are really cute ;)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


why am i so sad????

(sniff sniff) because school starts TOMORROW!
i can't believe it! well technically its school but i just have to go and we aren't learning or doing any school work...well nothing that requires our school stuff. its just that summer went by so fast! i guess work and camp makes it seem like that. i technically start on monday along with everyone else. so how are u spending your last day(Z) of freedom???

today i went to see journey to the center of the earth. i thought it was gonna be kinda cheesy but i loved it! some parts made me jump! hehe

well ttfn (tatafornow)

me and my sissy

me and my sissy

a little bit longer

a little bit longer
i love love love this pic of joe (and the CD cover)